Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Auditions For E20 Eastenders

Reichsparteitag der Freiheit (Freedom of assembly) 1935 Nuremberg

Badge of participation in Reichsparteitag "(days of Party) organized by the NSDAP 10 to 16 September 1935 in Norimberga.Il badge, made of ferrous metal bronze, measuring 39 mm in diameter ... The back of the maker's mark ... The theme of this gathering was the freedom in that it referring to the reintroduction of conscription and the creation of a powerful new army, the Wehrmacht established on March 16 of that year, in violation of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 which limited the size of the German army to 100,000 uomini.Il public repudiation the treaty was regarded as a liberation of the German people against the constraints imposed by the European powers at the end of the first conflict mondiale.In at the rally, September 15, 1935, were promulgated anti-Semitic racial laws so that they took the name of the Nuremberg Laws, and are an essential stage in the process that led to the holocaust in subsequent years.


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