We had read here and there of yet another pamphlet written by teachers frustrated and totally unable to decipher the contemporary reality. Do not we talked about it because we know that criticize these publications means in some way to give themselves some credibility. Do not waste the time to criticize what is irrelevant, what is part the cultural swamp. Yet today this petition comes on the front page of Corriere della Sera. Hundreds of thousands of poor Italian readers will have read the article of Cesare Segre (illustrious philologist and literary critic), which praises (sic) Mastrocola Paola's book (she is the author of the last desperate delirium for the school lost). And then we finally talk about it. Because the danger in our country, an authoritarian, a complete restoration of a fascist and hierarchical thinking should not be underestimated. Mind you, the problem is for the next 5-10 years, 20 years already because of this latest pathetic petition will not be obviously nothing, and words of Segre you will be ridiculed. In 20 years of this whole thing will remain just that our article, of course, and rightly so.
long as many people will inquire about the big national newspapers and on the few major national television channels, we will have to be careful. In a few years, when it completed the process of decentralization of power and hierarchization media, then we will not waste these minutes to counter items without ideas like these, which will end immediately utter indifference.
The title of Segre's comment says it all: " The school easy. A model that does not go " . We must be sincere. In our avant-garde is also a great enjoyment in reading the frustration of these professoroni, groping in that temple of culture that still believe in some way to keep up with their authority. But the reality is still very different. National newspapers certainly do not write who is able to perceive and decifare contemporary sensibility. They write who is in line with the sensibility of our post-war period (before the boom, mind you!).
How can a university professor as Segre can praise so decrepit and dangerous ideas? The answer is most likely one: Segre is a philologist.
But listen to his words:
We must commit our forces to clear this idea of \u200b\u200blife subservient to the more authoritarian institutions (the school) and damaging to the values \u200b\u200b(the study, discipline). Life can not be at the service of the school. Perhaps a school could be accepted at the service of life. More likely the school has no reason to exist.
The problem is that all these secret does not care at all. Perhaps the goal should be to create the school philologists like him, able to teach in the most prestigious universities and to publish critical studies on variant readings in literary texts, but incapable of the slightest criticism of the reality contemporary?
Here. It 's the point. We do not want to be philologists. We want to be a thousand men sizes. Or rather, we want to be even philologists, but more men to a thousand dimensions.
And then, put in a bunch of moldy topoi both the fresh name Don Milani. Please take charge of another. Let stand Don Milani, who is sailing high on lands that can not even touch from afar. But we read again
And have fun again.
But it can also be seen, and very clearly the enormous frustration, adjective-light "technology " that put it there in the middle at both ends by inappropriately expose intentions purely reactionary. And the final
indefatigable, always in the name of 'anti-technology more sloppy and ignorant is literally unforgettable. A final would be epic. It is not that more fun.
Then continue to defend the school of death in the name of "ideals and principles of life" (what would? Study? Boredom? Fatigue? Discipline?) Is comic. Life is something else. Life is pleasure. Life is enthusiasm. Life is freedom.
'll go on perhaps for a few years this school boring, thanks to the heroic efforts of philologists and pamphleteers of the fourth order out of this world. But the games are now facts. In the world we want not only is there no studies boring. But it does not exist - and this is not too surprised - even the word "study".
long as many people will inquire about the big national newspapers and on the few major national television channels, we will have to be careful. In a few years, when it completed the process of decentralization of power and hierarchization media, then we will not waste these minutes to counter items without ideas like these, which will end immediately utter indifference.
The title of Segre's comment says it all: " The school easy. A model that does not go " . We must be sincere. In our avant-garde is also a great enjoyment in reading the frustration of these professoroni, groping in that temple of culture that still believe in some way to keep up with their authority. But the reality is still very different. National newspapers certainly do not write who is able to perceive and decifare contemporary sensibility. They write who is in line with the sensibility of our post-war period (before the boom, mind you!).
How can a university professor as Segre can praise so decrepit and dangerous ideas? The answer is most likely one: Segre is a philologist.
But listen to his words:
Its target is the teaching of controversial Don Milani and Gianni Rodari which, however, gave support, authoritative, a trend already underway. Don Milani preached against the bogeymen of the concepts, devaluing the concept of knowledge as a concept, and, in general, the type of knowledge that are usually studied. Hence the 'aversion to knowing literature (Virgil woe to the poor!) And in particular language, considered the preserve of the rich. And the value of the territory, close to the province and in the work of farmers, not thinking that blocked any aspiration to improve mental as well as economic needs of schoolchildren.Here. The philologist withdraws on time out reappraisal of concepts. We smile as we please. But this is the level of debate about the school in 2011 on our main national newspaper. Withdraw out of the question of rote learning puts us out of history, out of touch, out of reality. The school knowledge is the cause of all evil (almost, but add the half-hearted) of contemporary society. That notion is the bearer of superficiality, vanity, hallway, death is not, fortunately, more a topic of discussion, even at the sports bar. On these pages we discuss whether the whole school, even the notional less stupid and more authentically libertarian, is to be deleted. This should also discuss on the front page of Corriere della Sera.
We must commit our forces to clear this idea of \u200b\u200blife subservient to the more authoritarian institutions (the school) and damaging to the values \u200b\u200b(the study, discipline). Life can not be at the service of the school. Perhaps a school could be accepted at the service of life. More likely the school has no reason to exist.
The problem is that all these secret does not care at all. Perhaps the goal should be to create the school philologists like him, able to teach in the most prestigious universities and to publish critical studies on variant readings in literary texts, but incapable of the slightest criticism of the reality contemporary?
Here. It 's the point. We do not want to be philologists. We want to be a thousand men sizes. Or rather, we want to be even philologists, but more men to a thousand dimensions.
And then, put in a bunch of moldy topoi both the fresh name Don Milani. Please take charge of another. Let stand Don Milani, who is sailing high on lands that can not even touch from afar. But we read again
was inevitable that in this culture 'easy' were sunk studies considered 'boring', or those that seem to make no immediate practical use.is the decisive point. It should be bored, or you're not studying! But I do not remember ever having learned something bored. When I love what I read, I absolutely feel that it is boring or tiresome. Even the article Segre, boring in itself, not boring. It amuses me.
And have fun again.
Here Mastrocola shows well, with appropriate references, which has established a new pedagogy which promotes "the school of doing, know to be, knowing how to be (together), the tweaking of the collective and 'potting technology, not the school of knowledge of the concepts (as knowledge), literature and the abstract, theoretical. "One can hardly be lucky enough to read a condensed similar to the Passat. The confusion of these words is surely symptomatic of the frustration of those who have given birth. The mental process that can lead to putting together to do, knowing how to be, knowing how to be together (very high goals) with the hack bulk and bottling technology (whatever those terms mean in the brain of the authors) is pathological. We seem to hear the last desperate cry of the slave before the liberators do justice for their misdeeds.
But it can also be seen, and very clearly the enormous frustration, adjective-light "technology " that put it there in the middle at both ends by inappropriately expose intentions purely reactionary. And the final
indefatigable, always in the name of 'anti-technology more sloppy and ignorant is literally unforgettable. A final would be epic. It is not that more fun.
difficult to indicate remedies to the situation highlighted by 'author. A new change of mentality, that undermines the middle of 'teaching to the study, and that cancels the' senseless enslavement of the humanities to the technology. For now, the Mastrocola will resign to be considered a reactionary. But this is perhaps one of the few cases where only the reaction can defend ideals and principles viable before they are permanently deleted."senseless enslavement of the humanities to the technology." Segre wonder if he realizes that thanks to its high technology can do the job of a philologist. And who knows if he realizes that thanks to other technologies can still write crap like that and be read by hundreds of thousands of people, first on paper, then on the screen. Once again, the man cut in half, split, dissociated the twentieth century appears to our eyes: Once again, we do feel the moral opposition between the humanities to the technology. It 's a finite world that speaks of Segre. The man to a size that there will be more by luck. Not there will be more because the school they want people like him, the school that gave us 30 songs of the study Dante's Commedia and did not make us really think about any of those songs, the school where you study and learn to be bored , that school is over.
Then continue to defend the school of death in the name of "ideals and principles of life" (what would? Study? Boredom? Fatigue? Discipline?) Is comic. Life is something else. Life is pleasure. Life is enthusiasm. Life is freedom.
'll go on perhaps for a few years this school boring, thanks to the heroic efforts of philologists and pamphleteers of the fourth order out of this world. But the games are now facts. In the world we want not only is there no studies boring. But it does not exist - and this is not too surprised - even the word "study".
Antonio Saccoccio
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