This is (era..) a beautiful male specimen of green turtle (Chelonia mydas ) that I and my colleagues have found on a beach in Australia ( Narragon Beach) ... As you can see the animal died of natural causes, but if you look closely at the first photo seems to have been struck by the propeller of a boat. The impact caused the rupture of the shell and then the destruction of the underlying organs. You can also see clearly the hematoma near the tail ... Think about how this turtle may have suffered and to your pain! Of course it is not easy for a person in a boat to see a sea turtle and avoid ... But there are ways to minimize the damage, such as a fine grid on the propeller, which does not affect engine performance and the same blade but protect the animals from smaciullati! So if you have a boat .. think about it and find out! Um adult male of this size was able to fertilize many females and allow the propagation of the species! In addition to offering us a beautiful show at sea!
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